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PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 6:58 am  Post subject: Website issues, important pages lead to dead links  
Joined: Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:37 pm
Rank: Sensei
I'm currently working on the most complex SSX Iceberg to ever exist, jam-packed the most obscure of obscure SSX knowledge. I wanted to add a link to the blog post about the Weekenders' journey to the EA offices, however the link redirects to a Not Found page:

The "Gravitude Chat" button in the upper-right hand corner of the page also leads to a Not Found page. Additionally, the Fan Art Gallery button leads to a "broken gallery" screen.

I'm praying extremely hard that these pages still exist and are just set up wrong, because the Internet Archive didn't capture them.

Edit: it seems that my post is somehow above the pinned post. Did the pin feature break too?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 5:42 pm  Post subject: Re: Website issues, important pages lead to dead links  
Ass-Kisser Extraordinaire
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The link you posted is from the old version of the forum, which was swapped out like (no lie) 15 years ago.

Chat still works. Try using a regular computer and not a mobile browser:

Not sure why you'd want to use it though, the Discord is far better and actually manned. Fan Art Gallery likely will not be fixed as the software that it was hosted on has been discontinued.

Edit: it seems that my post is somehow above the pinned post. Did the pin feature break too?

What weird-ass browser are you using to look at the site? This is a desktop designed page, so it will look best on Firefox/Chrome for the Desktop. I installed a mobile theme some time ago, and after browsing on my android phone it works just fine in my samsung mobile, Firefox mobile and Chrome mobile. So I don't know what you're looking at the site with, but change it.

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