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Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:21 am

I just downloaded shortbus, because I heard so much about it, and I didn't want to wait 4 weeks to see it at our local film festival... so I got it last night on torrentspy, watched it... and to tell you the truth, it wasn't as shocking as I expected.

The movie is basically about a relationship therapist that's never had a orgasm... and this gay couple who decide to add a third person into their life... a dominatrix who hates everything... pretty interesting movie that just deals with all the conflicts, mostly internal... overall this is your basic "indie" film (although I hate the use of the word indie, I prefer peripheral culture movie shot on a shoestring budget.) However, what makes this movie so controversial is the gratituous use of explicit, unsimulated sex. Female penetration, male penetration, oral sex, masturbation, it's all there and in the open, no holds barred, no taboos.
Honestly, I thought that this movie would be no different if it just had normal, simulated hollywood sex, the movie was more about relationships and internal conflicts... I really think the extra sex was just for shock value and buzz... I didn't really mind it, however I also watched it alone on a laptop with noone else around... I know I would be uncomfortable watching the movie with another person... and the sex really wasn't all that pornographic, sex scenes weren't extended or realistic or anything, they were just "there" and out in the open.
Overall, it was a great movie, I think everyone who likes a quirky movies and doesn't mind some explicitness should give it a look, you'll probably like it...

However, it's nothing ground breaking as far as removing social taboos... it is a step in the right direction however...
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