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Posting a Signature

Released on: Fri May 08, 2009 12:20 am
from: gondee
Viewed: 1971

A lot of people ask the same question when they get on the board. How do they make an image as their signature?

In order to post a signature, you need to host an image on a website and then link to it from the selection in your profile. That doesn't mean that you can just put an image on your computer and link to it from there - no, you must upload an image onto another website and put the URL (the online address of the file) into the proper area in your profile.

Step 1: Getting your signature ready
You can use any type of image as a signature - jpg, gif, and png all work. Stay away from BMP (bitmap) files as those are huge compared to the other three formats.

IMPORTANT: Be sure your signature image is no taller than 200 pixels tall or 800 pixels wide. Also, the filesize should be no bigger than 125K. Gondee will ask you to shrink your signature if it is too big, either in actual dimensions or size.

Step 2: Getting your image onto a website
Take your finished signature and find a web provider that can host it. Remember that the website must allow what is called "outside linking" in order for your signature to appear. Most "free" providers of web space do not allow direct linking of images on their servers. For example, if you use or a similar free web space provider, and you upload your signature and your signature address is


and you put this address into the space in your profile, then you will get a broken image link in your profile. This is because you can not link to an image on Geocities servers.

The best and easiest signature host is probably Image Shack or

Step 3: Linking to it in your profile

After you find a good host, simply upload it onto the site and find the online file location (called the URL). This is something like Now, here's the key to displaying an image in your signature. Take that file address and put
[img] [/img]
links on either side, like this:


This will display the image in your signature. Then take this location and plug it into the category in your profile that says:

This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a 255 character limit

Then click Submit and your signature will appear in your posts! :thumbsup

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