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Released on: Fri May 08, 2009 9:54 pm
from: gondee
Article type: General
Viewed: 1994

You may be asking yourself - got a snowboard and ski design into SSX Blur? Yep! It's our little contribution to the game. We've always enjoyed sort of close relationship with EA BIG - they noticed our site after the first game, contributed some stuff to the site for the second, and even more than that.

First, read this:


That will get you up to date on our history with EA BIG, including the SSX 3 weekend. To answer your question right away, we've had the pleasure of having a user-designed snowboard in SSX 3, SSX On Tour, and SSX Blur.

This time around, we had a contest for our users to submit a board design to EA. Then our users voted on it, and Royank's design won.

You can see the winning design in the movie I posted on the site. :D Here is the render Royank made:

And here is a video of the winning design in the game - ... yboard.mpg

Royank's board design is in SSX Blur and he deserves the credit for his design winning the contest. :D

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