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The FBX Board

Released on: Fri May 08, 2009 7:41 pm
from: gondee
Article type: Tutorial with Images
Viewed: 2993

If you've ever played SSX 3 and powered up Mac all the way, you know that Mac has a board called Galaxy - a black board with blue type.

Did you know that's own Moderator FirebrandX created that board?

That's right - the Galaxy board is actually a board that FirebrandX designed and sent to EA as a little gag to put in the game. Back in September, 2003, after the SSX 3 Weekend had taken place, FirebrandX (also known as FBX in Gravitude Circles) e-mailed grandmort and myself (gondee) to request that we design a board design and send it to him so he could send it to EA.

I thought it was a funny joke. :heh So I never sent one to FBX. Good gag though - EA would really appreciate it. Little did I know that FirebrandX was actually serious. He created the texture in 3D Studio Max and sent the texture file (.tga) to EA.


FirebrandX's original concept for the board was to be a reward in the game after you have completed anything. The FBX board was designed to have a glowing edge and unlimited boost, to make getting 100% with your character worth it.

What we didn't realize is that EA decided to reward FBX for his dedication to the series by actually including the board IN THE GAME as a reward for Mac. The funny thing is FBX designed the board to be a board for Elise - who FirebrandX uses the most. But he's not complaining! He'll take a board in his game any way he can get it! :D

Here's FBX's reaction upon learning his board made the game. :heh


Here are a few screenshots of the FBX board in game:


As you can see, it's right there and it's really fricking cool. :yes :thumbsup

You can get the game by playing with Mac and getting golds on all tracks until you get the board. That's it. You can get the board anytime from Peak 1 -3, but you get it by getting golds on events.

Enjoy, and bow down to FBX and his Galaxy board! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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