SSX 3 Glossary

Released on: Fri May 08, 2009 7:34 pm
from: gondee
Article type: Tutorial
Viewed: 1758

If anyone wants to add anything to this guide, please pm me and I\'ll add it to this list and you will be given credit for it, of course. :china Thanks to xXDoyleXx for originally compiling this info.

Snowjam Bridge Glitch
This is for racing on Snowjam on Peak 1. Gamingnerd explains it as: \" believe the bridge glitch is refering to taking the shortcut on Snow Jam near the end, going as FAR right as possible, falling off to the right, in the river by the bridge...Normally, if you fall off the shortcut, you get sent right onto the bridge, whereas moving FAR right as possible (falling off the shortcut) will take you to the final jump before the finish line.\"

Select Tricks
These tricks are somewhat cheap and can be considered a glitch by some. At certain spot on tracks, if you press select, you will be transported to another section of the track ahead of where you previously were.

Smurphy Monster Trick Glitch
This is where immediately after you do a monster trick, you do a 180 which will \"reset\" your score which will enable you to do more than one monster trick in one jump and get full points for each trick.

Teleports in Metro City
Teleports come in two varieties in Metro City on Peak 1: Phone Booth and Water Tower. Going through a teleport will reset you at a different area of track, a shortcut. There are three of them in Metro City. Since the game designers put these in the game, they aren\'t considered cheating by many. You can have a \"clean\" run using these.

Wormholes are holes in the track that you fall through - the good wormholes that allow you to warp far ahead in the track are also called glitch shortcuts. There have been wormholes found for nearly every racetrack at this point. Wormholes are a cheap way to get an uber low race time. Many conisder it a cheap way of playing, but also state, you gotta do what you gotta do to be on the MC Scoreboard.

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