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SSX Discord Channels

Apr 24, 2018 Posted By gondee at 2:59 PM 46697 Views // 0 Replies
Image The SSX community over at Twitch has a very active Discord server for those interested. There are two current Discords - the first is the SSX Community Discord run by Rithek and company, which covers all the games in the SSX Community. This community is very active on Twitch and contains not only general race records but also records for non-wormhole and clean races.

The second is the SSX Tricky community Discord, run by xcon. Xcon also runs a spreadsheet on the SSX Tricky competition taking place on youtube and Twitch. Xcon holds a ton of records on our scoreboard and is a fantastic player.

You can find the SSX Community Discord here, the SSX Tricky Discord run by Xcon here and the spreadsheet for the SSX Tricky community record holders here.

Scoreboard Update January 15, 2018

Jan 15, 2018 Posted By gondee at 7:29 PM 39020 Views // 0 Replies
Image My apologies for the long delay but it appears the glitches with the scoreboard on the server have been ironed out. I have updated the scores and rankings.

Scoreboard Update & Streamer Highlight 7.11.17

Jul 11, 2017 Posted By gondee at 3:03 PM 44114 Views // 4 Replies
Image Despite numerous challenges, the scoreboard and rankings have been updated. Many new #1 scores were approved and updated! Props to xcon and his buddies over at Twitch who have really pushed each other to beat some really ancient records!

Likewise, I've changed around the streamer highlight - Daggyboi has been a long time Merq member and is quite the prolific streamer. Give him a watch as he's at it almost every day and you're likely to see a new record being set quite often!

Scoreboard Update March 8, 2017

Mar 8, 2017 Posted By gondee at 5:02 PM 49985 Views // 7 Replies
Image The scoreboard has been updated. Almost 100 scores were approved and updated! Rankings have been updated as well.

New Master Runs End of the Year Update

Dec 30, 2016 Posted By gondee at 5:55 PM 28170 Views // 0 Replies
Image The update has been long in coming, but it is amazing! Fliper, 898ppp and Rastapo have set tons of new amazing records on tracks and you can watch them all! The last few months have been so great that several of the new records have even passed old tool-assisted records that were once held up as impossible! You can see the videos in the Master Runs section and the list of updated videos after the break:

13th Annual Gravitude Bar Awards Live!

Oct 5, 2016 Posted By gondee at 3:17 PM 27760 Views // 0 Replies
Image The 13th Annual Gravitude Bar Awards are now open! Hit up the topic below to vote for your favorites in our little community, including Most Valuable Person, Best N00b, and Most Annoying! :heh

SSX now backwards compatible for X-box One

May 26, 2016 Posted By gondee at 4:50 PM 27666 Views // 0 Replies
Image SSX has been added to the list of backwards compatible games that are playable on X-box One. If you have been holding out on playing SSX (2012) this is the perfect time for it!
