Forum to discuss the upcoming entry in the SSX series
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Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:23 am

I see that the characters have their own special gear, when doing an event with say... Alex or Zoe should I equip it just to get the bonus for said character? Does it help enhance all the gear?

Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:20 pm

are u gunna 100% ssx 3 with ALL characters like laidback?

Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:44 pm

Nah just with the ladies lol. I was just wondering about the new SSX is all. I mean the characters signature gear gives them stat boost, but is it better than getting higher level gear? I don't want to waste credits when I don't need to on survival gear, when that can go towards boards and such.

Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:25 pm

Remember that their default "good" gear is lvl 6, which is pretty good, but nothing compared to, let's say lvl 15 gear. If you are going for high records or expensive global events, lvl 6 gear is not enough.

Wed Apr 08, 2015 4:01 am

movildima wrote:Remember that their default "good" gear is lvl 6, which is pretty good, but nothing compared to, let's say lvl 15 gear. If you are going for high records or expensive global events, lvl 6 gear is not enough.

Ah cool, so it is worth it to get the better gear. Thanks!

Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:02 am

Mov is bang on...its good till you pass that lvl, then when 15 you can get legendary items...body and board with perks. Think the perks start around lvl10 tho so can hold onto it for lvl capped global events.

Sat Apr 25, 2015 7:46 am

crispaholic wrote:Mov is bang on...its good till you pass that lvl, then when 15 you can get legendary items...body and board with perks. Think the perks start around lvl10 tho so can hold onto it for lvl capped global events.

I think that is what I am learning now, also it might be better to focus on using one character so I don't need to spend a whole bunch on everyone huh?

Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:42 pm

Few characters are useful...there bonus's can help. Also characters have a slight different reaction to the physics...example thane vs Elise on wingsuit they both have a different maybe 3-4 can be useful depending how much you eventually wanna Max on everything.

Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:06 pm

I'll have to try that out and see if I notice anything. I'm guessing since Elise's natural gear is a wingsuit she would have a different feel that someone who just has armor or an ice axe.

Mon Apr 27, 2015 8:41 am

No idea what causes it, but the general terms are thane = buoyancy, like more absorbent when landing doesn't roll over and bail as easy Vs Elise = Sharper Precision, less absorbent rolls over easier when landing but has more accuracy when bounding etc minute subtle differences but when going for PB times etc makes a big difference, for wingsuit anyway cant speak as to what this does for other disciplines.
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