Forum to discuss the upcoming entry in the SSX series
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Mon May 27, 2013 1:34 pm

ticklemeozmo wrote:This Day In History!
May 27, 2012 - And So It Shall Be Named...

From the IRC Channel:
[23:29] < ticklemeozmo> cender, i need a name. i cant use the current name for it...
[23:30] < cender> winonanet
[23:31] < cender> winona rider is a thief, we're steeling ridernet info.... there ya go
[23:31] < ticklemeozmo> boom

Lol thats awesome! So is ridernet not updating properly right now?

Mon May 27, 2013 6:07 pm

Xedec wrote:Lol thats awesome! So is ridernet not updating properly right now?
It's fixed. Christ, is it necessary to update scores after EVERY track, give it some time. Mondays always update slowly because that's when I rape the servers.

Mon May 27, 2013 9:31 pm

ticklemeozmo wrote:
Xedec wrote:Lol thats awesome! So is ridernet not updating properly right now?
It's fixed. Christ, is it necessary to update scores after EVERY track, give it some time. Mondays always update slowly because that's when I rape the servers.

Lol sorry man. Well thanks for letting me know. I be sure to keep that in mind. :)

Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:27 am

WinonaNET MAY be affected by the OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 "Heartbleed" Vulnerability due to the SSL certificate used.

The following notice is posted on the login page.
Avalance Warning!
April 8, 2014 - OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 "Heartbleed" Vulnerability

OpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 is a vulnerability which under a specific set of circumstances can allow an attacker to read random pieces of memory of the running application. Given enough time, and enough attacks, it is possible the name and password you enter here can be compromised.

I add this warning in the interest of full disclosure, however, the likelihood of that occuring is minimal. You, literally, have a better chance of winning the lottery, as I said, someone would have to be specifically targetting WinonaNET during the time you are logging in. This issue was found on April 7, 2014 and affects certificates generated as early as Dec 2011. To put this into perspective, I would say that the NSA knew about this vulnerability years ago, and you should consider that your RiderNet credentials aren't exactly a "high priority" item.


Considering you log in every day on WITHOUT SSL (meaning that anyone can read your password without decrypting it), this should not be a factor.

An independent test suggests that WinonaNET is NOT vulnerable.

Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:17 am

WinonaNET staff is sad to report that EA has shutdown the API for PS3 players. Unfortunately, this means I can no longer get scores or log PS3 players in.

The Xbox API is still live and may not live much longer. Time to get your final scores in before the site goes read-only forever!

Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:53 pm

sad news indeed! need some info or breadcrumb on a new ssx to cheer me up :/ (if only)

Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:36 pm

That is sad news, if not unexpected. On a side note, it has been three years since the game was released. :eek

Ozmo I wrote a news story about this and put it on the front page. I do want to take the opportunity to thank you for all the hard work you put in on WinonaNet. It very quickly, and rightly so, became a cornerstone of the community which will be sorely missed once it's no longer active.

Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:26 am

Thanks ticklemeozmo for all your work !
Unfortunately that happened right at the time i bought a PS3 and the game to increase the score i had on 360... :frusty

Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:33 am

ticklemeozmo wrote:WinonaNET staff is sad to report that EA has shutdown the API for PS3 players. Unfortunately, this means I can no longer get scores or log PS3 players in.

The Xbox API is still live and may not live much longer. Time to get your final scores in before the site goes read-only forever!

Thats pretty depressing, but at the time as Gondee said its been 3 years since the release...

I'd also like to thank you Ozmo since WinonaNET was my only incentive to submit more scores and to improve on myself, especially since the scores that you submit are ranked together rather than individually by each track/game mode.

Even when its offline, we can use it as a spreadsheet to keep track with who did such and such. Besides I've noticed that SSX isn't really active as it was anymore so not a lot of records will be updated in the long run.

Thanks again :)
- RP

Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:03 am

What a fantastic website. Sad to see it go :(
Fantastic job though, Ozmo
I'll cya guys on the sequel ;P
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