Forum to discuss the SSX game for the Nintendo Wii
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Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:40 am

i feel.... Undefined.....
look what i saw......
NO MORE Luther and Eddie....
Sorry.... I felt something strange 'bout partners....
I always thought Allegra and Psymon was about to f*ck over Moby and Zoe.....
Mac and Kaori does the perfect match but Maya and Griff was there.....
will it make sense..... :cry
Skye and Felix??? where's TYSON?!

~TecnaJessie~ [eliseblur]

Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:04 am

Krispy24 wrote:Looks like some of the characters de-aged, which totally makes sense for I series like this, I guess. I think it's pretty interesting that Elise and JP are friends, while Psymon and Kaori are no longer rivals. Maya at least has something going for her, unlike Felix, who is once again a generic party-animal ladies man. At least he's French Canadian...

Felix SUCKS already!!!!!
would someone please answer me? Why did Psymon hates Moby ever since the blur circuit began?????
and does Mac was really the reason of the impasse between Maya and Kaori???
and I deal with you about JP and Elise... :cheers
Did you remember how they made plan to ruin Marisol and Brodi's relationship..... :lol
You know that was the funniest thing that partners can do... ruining relations......
and not only them.... Also Psymon and Allegra......

the one and only,
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