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One Mountain - Three Peaks - Endless Possibilities... The SSX 3 Forum
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Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:09 pm

I know where it is, i just can't seem to figure out a way to get it. It's on gravitude. It's between sessions points 2-3. If you start at session point two and stay to your left, jump the gap and then continue down the hill. Just before you get to the jump that you jump where the sign falls, there is a showflake above and on the left. If anyone know which one I am talking about, could ya tell me how to get it. I need one other one on gravitude but I know how and where to get it, just can't seem to do it. And I am missing one on the the thone that I can't find. Looking for help! Thanks.

EDIT: I got the other two snowflakes that I needed....this one that I can see on Gravitude but I don't know how to get is the last one I need. Anyone have any ideas?

EDIT AGAIN: YAY, I got it, I finally got all of the collectibles for one character...only nine more to go. :)
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