One Mountain - Three Peaks - Endless Possibilities... The SSX 3 Forum
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Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:35 am

What do you guys think? Should EA remaster SSX 3 for the PS4/Xbox One? I think they should. Firstly, a lot of people would buy it which gives them money. They also wouldn't have to hire people to design new tracks as they are already there. But most importantly, it would be nice to be able to play the game with 1080p 60fps. I want to year your opinion on this.

Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:32 am

most people here already want some kind of HD remake for ssx 1, ssx tricky, and ssx 3 so you're not alone on that opinion

Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:14 pm

Oh God, that would have been amazing. I must say though, I´ve always been satisfied with the graphics in these games as they were released on under the revolution of video game graphics development. The PS2 was new at the time, and people witnessed greater graphics than ever before. Not comparable to today´s rapid growing graphics, by no means, but yeah, back in the day it was really good compared to the graphics in the video games produced between 1998-2000 for the PS1. Even today I find the graphics pleasing to watch, it hasn´t bothered me at all, but I´m an old school gamer.

However, I think releasing these games would have the most value in the sense that people will play them once again. That would also create the root for many new members here- some new to SSX, and also those people who played many, many years ago but never really got THAT into the series, but wants to give SSX another shot. :yes

Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:13 am

Thanks! I just wanted to know that I wasn't alone on that. :D

Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:34 pm

Everything that contributes to getting the first SSX games popular again is just awesome if you ask me. So no, you´re absolutely not alone! I seem to NEVER get enough of this series, Tricky in particular of course.

The series as a whole in terms of popularity is also interesting too see; not sure about how the sales goes with the new SSX games, but I see there is some activity from some people on here that have put some good work into these games and gotten good at them. That doesn´t tell you much about the sales, but it´s good to see people are still playing the series. I don´t know what I´m trying to say with this really but you probably understand what I´m on about. :heh Anyways, any activity on here is great to see.

Fri Jan 02, 2015 5:55 am

I think what you're trying to say is that if there is interest in these games after so long, it means they must be good and therefore worth remastering.

Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:29 am

That was an extremely common question during the development of SSX 2012. Todd Batty mentioned that they had lost or deleted all the old files/IP of the previous games before SSX On Tour, except for a very few random tracks they found - so the likelihood of a re-release is pretty low. One can always hope though!

Sun May 10, 2015 1:59 am

If they remaster ssx3 or make a sequel similar to it, it would be extremely successful!!! It mustn't be too realistic though. :)

Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:20 pm

I don't play many video games these days, but I would buy one of the new generation of consoles if they found the files and remixed this game. However, they would have to fight the temptation to mess with the game in a significant way. Update the graphics to HDTV quality, clean up the programming to get rid of the glitches, get rid of the wormholes on the maps and make it possible to stand up out of a crouch without jumping. Do that, and they'll sell a billion and revive the franchise. Try to make the game more "accessible" or "modern", and they'll destroy it.

EDIT: I'm sure there will be other fixes to make, but add to list a timing system that goes to hundredths of a second.

Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:04 pm

It would be pretty amazing for a remaster of SSX 3 but I'd highly doubt that the Devs would do it. This had be a common question/idea pretty much everywhere. Here, EA's SSX's Facebook page and twitter. Even before SSX 2012 was released, however I do agree it would be very successful and I'd play the heck out of it. NO MORE SOCIAL LIFE FOR ME :P

Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:38 am

SSX 3 is still my favourite game after all this time!!!! :pimp

Sun Oct 28, 2018 5:24 am

If they lost or deleted the IP address of SSX 3. Why is SSX 3 available on xbox one x in 2018? that means they have not lost the IP address of SSX 3! so maybe they'll publish again in HD! :eek :eek :eek :???

Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:40 am

I just saw this. WTF!!! It runs at native 2560x1920 at 60 fps on Xbox One X. It looks incredible.

Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:24 am

Maybe if it had a PC port. But IDK they probably would kill all of the fun out of it and make mad off limits equivalents and over patch the game for all releases.
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