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Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:02 pm

So some people just find it odd that the boards in SSX just don’t have any bindings. How can the character stay on without it? :shrug

This is just a game so it’s not necessary…. But wouldn’t it be cool if in REAL LIFE traditional bindings were a thing of the past? That would make it somewhat possible to pull off at least minor tricks like people do on skateboards.

What do you guys think can be done? I was thinking of using magnetism with some sort of switch to either attract or repel the board. :8|

What if the shoes of the user were magnetized along with the board? That would keep the user on... and when he wants to flip his board to do tricks he can use a remote handheld switch to repel (release) the board.

Going a step further the switch could allow only one shoe to be attracted to the board while the other is free. :D

Maybe one day we can get those cool SSX tricks going. Lol …just thinking out loud. :P

Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:32 am

Why would you need to release a switch? Couldn't you just pull the board off of your own feet, like magnets off of a fridge?

Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:26 am

I was thinking the magnet would need to be pretty strong to hold to the users feet so it would/should be hard to detach. Also ....if the board only attracted (like a fridge magnet) then doing kickflips for example would be impossible. That's why I thought of a switch to either reverse or turn off the magnetism. Maybe there is a better way who knows.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:14 am

I've always thought of maybe using mountainboard type bindings on a snowboard

Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:42 am

well won't that still require bindings? I was thinking of freeing the user from traditional bindings all together so they have a skateboard like ride. That way tricks are easier... of course you would still need to be attached to the board when necessary so that's why magnets came to mind.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:01 am

well there ARE bindingless bindings (?)

there are clip on bindings.

so, there are "bindings" that are not the traditional snap on bindings. but most people don't use them, and i'm not sure exactly the way you get out of bindings.

i've actually thought about this a lot. i like to think about how much would real world situations, whether it be physics, technology, etc., that would ACTUALLY limit SSX.

i don't know shit about physics, so totally correct me if i'm wrong, but the only way to make magnetic boards work is if there was a way to cancel out the magnetism, or as Ranz has been saying, repel it instead of attract. and even then, there would have to be a way to neutralize the magnetism so that while you're flipping, kickflipping, spinning your board around, your feet don't just randomly stick back on the board mid air.

but, as far as i know, i'm not sure you can just neutralize a magnet like that. if there is, i'm sure it's a very expensive process (which is i guess why the boards in game are thousands or millions of dollars). but to me, that would be the only way it could work.

the rider holds a switch or has something connected to them that they can press, which then initiates the neutralization of the magnets on the board making them not magnetic, do your crazy uber trick, put the board generally where you want it to be, press the button again to get the magnets working again, you're attached, land. seems relatively simple.

another problem i think there would be is the intensity of the magnets. you'd want them to be powerful because you don't want it fall off going down a huge cliff face or sketchy run, so you'd want it pretty much permanently attached as you're going down the mountain. my point is that using a magnet similar to how a fridge magnet works would be a bad idea because even though it may make the tricking process easier, you could very well lose yourself just simply going down the mountain.

i have some ideas for other kinds of bindings that wouldn't require a magnet but... maybe that's for another time.

and yeah, i've thought a lot about this. haha.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:17 am

Just so you know people have already done kickflips and stuff on a snowboard, just with neither of their feet in the bindings. Someone people have done like a 360 pop shuvit on a snowboard with one foot in a binding that can rotate and people do one foot tricks all the time with just one foot in a binding. Magnets for bindings with switches are just not a good idea, Making it too complicated. there are snowskates that are like skateboards for snow anyway...

Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:03 pm

hahah.. Tunes you are awesome! LOL. :D

I think you can neutralize the magnet though ...once it is an electromagnet. (electricity can turn the magnet on or off I think) ...however the board may require a battery... another potential problem. (unless of course you can turn the kinetic energy / friction from going down the slopes into electricity ha!.. that went WAY over my OWN head! lol) :P

Hey Chez XD II... well I won't say it's not a good idea... it just needs to be refined. After all Cars are pretty complicated... but they are very useful. But don't miss the point of this experimental thinking... we are going for an SSX feel.... ie... FREEDOM. While some tricks can be done with 2 bindings or 1... it still limits the amount of tricks. Also the Snow-Skateboards are cool but only suited for tricks in a 'safe' area... no one is gonna go down a steep mountain with that. (least I don't think so :| ) That's why we are trying to envision the best of both worlds.

..but WHAT would bring about that? is it electromagnetism? or something else entirely? :p

Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:32 pm

Um, Snow skates would basically allow you to do that kind of stuff, since it has no bindings. Only problem with those is that you can kiss your board goodbye if you bail. Magnets would make it too complicated.

Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:46 pm

I've been thinking about this for a while, and have planned out a summer project about it.

If more things come together soon I might post some of it on here.

Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:11 pm

Yeah chez is right but with mountainboard bindings you can do one footed and no footed tricks no problem
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