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Forum to discuss the upcoming entry in the SSX series
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Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:05 pm

Hey Guys/Girls :)

Haven't been on here is ages but gave SSX a spin the other day and was just thinking what with the next gen consoles incoming (hello PS4 :) ) if a new SSX is viable? as in does anyone have knowledge of the sales of SSX 2012 or know what the sales would normally have to be to create plans for a sequel as much as we'd all like to see another game it's obviously dependent on the sales of SSX 2012 and whether it was profitable!



Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:10 pm

It more than likely will happen but not for a while. I heard they were happy with the sales and the general success of the game proved there is still an audience for a game like SSX.

Sony/Microsoft will want to push the big AAA titles for at least the first year in order to pick up the most initial sales. Only after the initial 'rush' of the next gen consoles will we see games like SSX come out.

A 2014 announcement could happen but I personally can't see another game till 2015/2016.

Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:52 pm

15/16 sounds good enough for me tbh i'm just pleased that the game was at-least a success, this and Driver San Francisco are the 2 current gen games I want sequels to going forward :)
Thanks for the reply.

Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:30 pm

SSX is a AA title, not triple-A. EA was willing to release a new one in 2012 because the consoles had sold enough lifetime to make it worth making, and let's be honest, also because the small team made a version different enough to satisfy EA execs.

We may see one next gen, but it won't be for 3-4 years at least, when the total console sales number are high enough.

Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:46 pm

Yup, same. Perhaps an announcement next year at the very least. I dont know about you guys but i always find myself coming back to this SSX. Like right in fact...... :D

Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:14 pm

I'm halfway between Curry's and gondee's expectations. I guess I'm hoping for Curry's, but I know that I should be expecting gondee's (especially since he's been here since forever and knows how these things go). I know that when the VGAs come around though, I'm gonna be hovered over my desk yelling "WAVE 2 LET'S GOOO," no matter how much I try to talk myself out of it, so I don't know why I bother at this point. :heh

I wonder what the chances are for a smaller release, though? I know Ubi's been releasing some smaller games digitally for around $15 and it seems to be working well for them. Judging by post-release interviews, it seems like the team has at least thought about doing a Tricky/3 HD sort of thing, be it a direct recreation or some sort of hybrid between old content and new physics. If the higher-ups aren't keen on investing in a sequel just yet, I wonder if they'd greenlight a remake done by an even smaller team instead? Of course, SSX isn't like KH, where they can just remake everything after losing the assets because it'll be a total cash cow. There's definitely a market though, seeing as how many people online who weren't into 2012 said, "They could have just made Tricky HD BUT NOOOO!" :P

Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:30 am

I thought the thing that was holding them back was that EA thought it would have to be grittier to sell more. Obviously they were wrong there, but I doubt they would let it go any more on the arcadey side than 2012 was.
IF that's the case, I wouldn't mind a 'grittier' one. I mean, I loved survive, and some of my favorite tracks were the hard ones like DZ, Hard Currency, and Sentinel. If they tried to make a SSX3 sequel like we all know they wanted to we wouldn't have those things, and I'd miss them.

That being said, the Deadly Descents trailer still makes me laugh :lol

Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:11 pm

^It's really hard to look at the first Deadly Descents trailer and see any resemblance to the final product.

But yeah, honestly, I wouldnt keep my hopes up right now. It's far too early to say anything. Everytime it comes to SSX I always tell myself to "Expect what you least want to expect", so that I won't be disappointed.

Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:38 am

gondee wrote:SSX is a AA title, not triple-A. EA was willing to release a new one in 2012 because the consoles had sold enough lifetime to make it worth making, and let's be honest, also because the small team made a version different enough to satisfy EA execs.

We may see one next gen, but it won't be for 3-4 years at least, when the total console sales number are high enough.

I was hoping they might make a follow up sooner rather than later but make it a cross gen title. There's not really many reasons they can't make another good game for the current gen systems but also have it optimised for the next gen consoles. We're clearly going to see a lot of that with various titles this year and next.

To a certain degree it depends on where gaming trends go next gen. Arcade type games like SSX have kind of fallen by the wayside this current gen in favour of the big high concept AAA titles. I'm hoping that with the strong indie support, particularly on the PS4, arcade gaming might make a bit of a comeback next gen. It wouldn't take much for SSX to be a viably popular franchise for EA I don't think, it pretty much is already.

Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:54 am

Have we got any confirmation on where EA are with it at the moment? Like can they tell us anything? Even if it's "None of us are working on it right now, but after our current projects are done it's a plan." Type of thing?

I hate being in limbo.

Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:56 pm

I do too, NA, especially with all of the restructuring going on at EA. Makes me nervous. I've been doing daily searches for SSX for the last several months though and haven't gotten anything. I think the last we heard of the future of the series was in June 2012, and that was that we'd "probably see more in the future."

Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:13 am

"Probably" is still just probably, which means the future is uncertain. If we would have it team Batty's way there would already be another SSX in development by now, but unfortunately he's not the one in charge...

June 2012 is already more than a year past.

Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:40 pm

PS3 CODghosts - upgrade to PS4 £10
PS3 Battlefield 4 - Upgrade to PS4 £10

spot the trend?

Until theres something new, Id like the 2012 to run on PS4 in the same way, surley thats possible and opens up the possibility of downlaods/upgrades again for EA instead of a full game.

I can hope and dream :)

Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:37 pm

^ Hadn't thought of that.

...and I'd be 100% okay with it :thumbsup

Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:59 pm

My vote is for a more arcadey downloadable SSX Tricky/3 /HD or new SSX remake.

Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:35 am

I think a new SSX would see much more success on the new gen consoles due to all the extra graphic power and the trend of games starting to integrate mobile and tablet devices into the game play experience. I'd like to be able to turn on a tablet and watch you guys racing and bet my in-game credits on it (maybe have a helicopter camera view of the race as it follows you down) The PVR functions like the share button on the PS4 would make it massively more entertaining for a lot of people as they could record those amazing moments that come along every now and then.

In my opinion though, the next SSX definitely needs to be about content creation.

Imagine a content creator (like the upcoming one in GTA V) Imagine the possibilities. They could let us set our own checkpoints in custom places on a mountain to make truly unique races, or even hoops you have to jump through (or pull certain tricks through) Let us pick the time of day/weather for our custom events. If they bring back halfpipe physics, how about letting you create your own snowpark? That would definitely be possible. Just give us an empty, flat piece of land (or an indoor location like PipeDream) and let us place down quarter pipes, kickers, rails etc etc. Games like Dave Mirra and Tony Hawks had this kinda stuff back in the PS2 days, so just think what could be done now? I imagine they could let us create custom shaped rails instead of pre-set ones and all kinds of cool stuff. Then let us share these custom creations with the world, and allow people to rate and comment on them. Promote the best and most popular creations on the website and in-game custom content area. Let us create our own snowboards too and upload them to the SSX website for people to download and use. Let us pick our best 3 (or more) designs that they can actually be sold on the Snowboard Store for in-game credits?

I feel like SSX needs something new and exciting to keep people playing it. I was so hyped for this game to come out and imagined myself playing it constantly for the next few years, but I got bored of it relatively quickly and I haven't played it in ages. However, if I could build my own PipeDream, I'd probably still be playing it now.

Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:53 pm

^ I was counting how many posts it would take before this became a wish list thread :heh
Those are pretty cool ideas though, I'd love to see them too

Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:20 pm

MarcusAnnex wrote:^ I was counting how many posts it would take before this became a wish list thread :heh

:lol I don't hate it, though. I'd say that we need an all-purpose wish list thread in General Discussion, but we've had them before and they always seem to die off.

That being said, I'm totally piling onto this. :heh To be honest, I can't dig the track/snowpark creation idea. To me, the tracks are really characters in their own right. They need life and personality, their own special quirks and secrets, they need to be recognizable anywhere, from any angle. And if there's something I'd never do to the characters, I'd never do it to the tracks.

The adding hoops/setting checkpoints bit actually sounds really neat, though. Reminds me of BIG Challenges in a way, although they're done on the user side. It would be cool to set up certain challenges on a track, like the hoops, pulling off certain lines/tricks, or dropping a line of collectibles. It could add a ton of replay value to the tracks. Plus, since snowflakes and BIG Challenges were grouped together objective wise, it'd be an excellent evolution of/addition to geotags. I love it! :thumbsup

Also, I have to give a big YES to changing the lighting. The devs were already able to switch between day, night, cloudy, sunset, etc. through TU's, so it would rock to see those tools moved to our side. That's pretty much my biggest "new" feature I'd like to see in the future.

(And to bring this back on topic a bit, I agree that next gen sort of justifies a sequel. There's a lot of BIG things the dev team had to put on the chopping block, and while that will always be the case, some of those things are going to become possible thanks to the power of the new consoles. Just getting splitscreen running and not putting death pits in tracks would be a substantial enough improvement for a lot of people to buy in next time, if their money's where their mouths are. Like gondee said though, it might also mean that we have to wait longer because of install bases.)
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